They’re so good in fact, that players have come to calling near misses “hitbox porn” in honor of just how great it feels to see that arrow narrowly avoid your face, or to dive and dip between an enemies sword slashes. Here’s a collection in homage to the best near misses.

Dark Souls

Probably the best part about this is that his downward stroke is also blocked by the shield. The developers knew what they were doing with this one.

Since the fad has caught on, more and more of these awesome excerpts have been showing up! That poor dresser never stood a chance.


Bloodborne, the, “Arkham Horror” entry of the series, has its fair share of awesome moments as well.

Dark Souls 3


Sometimes the best way to get in on an enemy is just duck right under every hit they try to land.There have even been some pretty insane videos out there of players taking advantage of the ability to dodge under enemy attacks and just absolutely wreck them. There is no better testament to the quality of the game than the fact that if you invest enough time you can turn an otherwise punishing fight into a half-naked conehead jaunt.

There’s a ton of other really great examples out there. Have you had any awesome moments like this in the newer Dark Souls game? If so, show us below in the comments, we’d love to see more of your awesome gameplay.