During the expo, we had the chance to sit down with Capcom’s Mobile Head of Online Development Ryozo Tsujimoto and GungHo Online CEO and Executive Producer Kazuki Morishita to talk about how this recently announced (and now released) game came to be and what there hopes are for the future.

GS: How did the idea of doing a Capcom crossover game that’s a card game rather than a fighting game come about?

GS: So there are currently eight characters and we’re expecting more in the future, but these characters are all called “Heroes.” Albert Wesker is much more of a villain, so why choose him rather than Leon Kennedy or Chirs Redfield or Claire Redfield? Was it due to popularity?

Kazuki Morishita: So for example here you saw Wesker’s black deck and we also have the purple deck, green deck, and the red deck, and they have themes between their colors. When we were working with the black deck we were thinking of which character would work best with it and that’s why Wesker was chosen for that deck. From Resident Evil we won’t only have Wesker, but we don’t know yet which other characters will appear.

GS: So for the card game mechanics side of things, and this is usually a big concern for card game players, how to you make sure everything is balanced correctly? How do you make sure that everything works well together and see how the different colored decks stack up against each other?

GS: So Morrigan from Darkstalkers is another one of the launch characters and that’s interesting because we haven’t seen a Darkstalkers game in quite some time, but she still remains a popular character. Would you hope that people who play Teppen become more interested in learning about Morrigan and Darkstalkers?

GS: So who is the target audience for this game exactly?

GS: It’s interesting to see TEPPEN announced and released on the same day and it hasn’t been released in Japan yet, since with a lot of other games it’s either Japan first or worldwide. How was this decision made?

GS: What are your hopes for the future of TEPPEN?

Teppen is available for free on the App Store and on Google Play.

KM: We released the game yesterday, (July 4) but from now on we’ll be maintaining the game we’d like to have people enjoy it and then we’re going to have more updates like new characters, new heroes, and new packs, so I hope that players will have high hopes and be excited for this new stuff and also for tournaments in the near future. We’re thinking of having a world tournament, so I hope players are excited for that as well.