Telus Wi-Fi Keeps Disconnecting

Check Your Internet Connection Speed

The speed of your WiFi connection will largely determine the ability of your router to connect multiple devices. If the connection speed is slower than your internet service provider is capable of, then the router will struggle to transmit data at high speeds to your devices. The result will be weak WiFi connections. To check your internet connection speed, get a wired internet connection and look at the download speed. You can also use internet speed test websites to confirm the speed. If your internet is too slow, you can try this simple fix to increase your WiFi speed. To increase your WiFi speed, you can try these steps; 

 Check your internet connection – Make sure that your WiFi router is not too far away from your modem or computer. You can also clean your router’s fan to increase the airflow.  

 Change your modem/router settings – While WiFi routers are relatively easy to set up, many people find that their internet connection speeds are too low once they move from their home modem/router to the modem/router at their office or school. If your connection is too low because you’re using your home router, you can try switching to the modem/router at your office/school.  

  1. Reset Network Settings

Just as your computer can have issues connecting to the internet, your router can have problems with the same. Sometimes, you can reset the network settings on your router (or modem/router) to solve uni-directional WiFi issues. You can find this information on the back of the router or in the product manual. You’ll have to reconfigure your WiFi settings again, but this time, you should have better results. 

  1. Change Router Settings

Depending on the issue, your router settings may be the source of your uni-directional WiFi problems. Some routers have a default setting that keeps the router from connecting to the internet and transmitting data to other devices. If your router is set to use some sort of encryption, it may not work with your internet service provider (ISP). To change your router settings, follow these steps;

 Find your router’s manual  – Find the section of your router’s manual that explains the basic settings. Make note of the default settings of your router.

  Call your ISP – At the same time, make sure to call your ISP and see if the default encryption or WiFi settings are causing your uni-directional WiFi issues. If you can fix your uni-directional WiFi problems by changing your router settings, you can also change them and solve your internet connection issues.

  1. Add New WiFi Devices

If you are experiencing weak WiFi signals, you may want to try adding another wireless device to your WiFi network. Depending on the brand of router you have and the model number, you may be able to find information about your router online. There are many benefits to adding a new wireless device to your network. 

  1. Upgrade to a New WiFi Provider

If you own a Telus WiFi router, you might want to try upgrading your WiFi network. Many users have reported that upgrading to a newer router model helped them improve their WiFi signal. There are many different brands of WiFi routers available, and many of them work with the same Internet service providers (ISPs). If you own a Telus router, you may want to try your ISP’s competitor to see if they have a better signal. You can also try searching online for router reviews or buying a new router from a different brand. If you’ve been experiencing bad WiFi connections, an upgrade may be the best way to fix the problem. 


I hope you have figured how to fix your Telus Wi-Fi issue which Keeps Disconnecting. Uni-directional WiFi is a frustrating problem to have. If you live in a house with multiple floors or are in an apartment that has a weak WiFi signal, you might want to try these fixes to fix uni-directional WiFi issues. First, make sure that your WiFi router is not too far away from your modem or computer. If it is, try moving it closer to the computer. The second thing to try is changing your modem/router settings. 

Why is it necessary to reset my router regularly?

Resetting your router will help to optimize the performance of your internet connection.

What is the lifespan of a router?

Five years. Most routers last for that long.