They start learning to cut off the runners in the field. They try to practice catching the fly ball on the field. We have addressed here the most important tee ball outfield drills for the coaches to help them train the learners and make their performance better in the playground.

Impact of Repetition of Drills

The impact of repetition of drills is good. It yields positive outcomes in a short period. Following are some outfield drills to help coaches to perform their duty in a better way.

Defensive Rotation Drill

The drill is created and designed for beginners. The tee ball players can get familiar with the structure of the outfield. The drill also helps the player to become familiar with the infield. They also become aware of the pitcher mound.

Left, Center, and Right Field Location

This drill is called a running drill and it helps children to become familiar with the boundaries. They become aware of the three outfield boundaries of the field. It helps to increase their speed and agility.

Coaches make use of three cones and a baseball field. They position the cone in the middle of each outfield position. The three outfield positions are left center and right field.

Hit the Bucket Outfield Drill

This drill helps the learners or players to hit the bucket from long distances. Children learn to throw the ball from long distances with accuracy. They throw the ball from an outfield position.

The young players catch the ball and throw the ball toward a small target. The target is at some distance from them. They learn to throw the ball with precision and accuracy to short targets rather them inaccurate throws toward long-distance targets.

Soft Hands Outfield Drill

The drill is considered another accuracy-learning drill for the players. A player throws a ball into the other player’s hand and so on. Coaches adapt strategies in such a way that they train the children gradually by increasing challenges continuously. It helps the young players of the game to make more improvements in the gameplay. The coaches try to build another skill with the combination of the previous one.

Target Accuracy Drill

As difficulty is increasing gradually, this drill is to train the young players in both fields. They learn throwing and catching at the same time. They try to emphasize accurate throwing and catching of the ball. The drill is repeated continuously and helps the young players make their throwing and catching ability accurate and precise.

Hand-to-Eye Coordination Drill

The coaches can improve the reflexes of their young fielders through hand-to-eye coordination drills. They learn to catch and throw the ball quickly. They learn to react to situations spontaneously. Players are divided into pairs of players. The players are not allowed to use their gloves. The distance between the young players is ten feet approximately. They initiate the drill with the “Go” command from the coach.

Fly Ball Catch Outfielder Drill

Catching a fly ball is considered one of the most difficult parts of the drill. But it is the most important skill for a young tee player. Some players feel reluctant to catch the fly ball as they think it will hurt their face and they do not put in their full effort because of this fear of catching a fly ball. The players cover their faces with their gloves when they face a fly ball coming towards them. So, it is important to use tee balls. The players should use tee balls during the outfielder drills. Even, they can practice with the help of a tennis ball. It takes effort and time to learn to catch a fly ball.

Around the Horn Outfield Drill

A tee ball is thrown around the horn. After the successful completion of fielding, coaches can start a horn outfield drill. The main agenda of this drill is to have players in their left, center, and right zones.

Blocking the Sun Outfield Drill

This drill is designed to help players play the match during the tropical heat and light of the sun. No doubt catching a ball by looking at the sky when the sun is shining is difficult for every player. To overcome this problem, the coach arranges a player in a manner that he stands in such a way that the sun is behind him.

Ground Ball Outfield Drill

The players are trained to throw and catch the ground balls accurately and precisely. They learn to quickly throw and catch the ground ball. The drill also trains infield players because there is not only a need of catching a ball thrown from an outfield but also because some infielders end up playing the outfield at some point in time.

What is a target accuracy drill?

The drill helps to train the young players in both fields. They learn throwing and catching at the same time. They try to emphasize accurate throwing and catching of the ball.

What is a hit-the-bucket outfield drill for?

This drill helps the learners or players to hit the bucket from long distances. Children learn to throw the ball from long distances with accuracy. They throw the ball from an outfield position. The young players catch the ball and throw the ball toward a small target.

How can we understand a defensive rotation drill?

The drill is created and designed for beginners. The tee ball players can get familiar with the structure of the outfield. The drill also helps the player to become familiar with the infield.

These tee ball outfield drills are used to train young players in the age range of 4 to 8 years. Coaches train the young players gradually by increasing the difficulties. They train them to catch and throw the tee ball with accuracy. They learn to react spontaneously by adopting the techniques used in the outfield drills.

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